A conversational card game for couples that strengthens romantic relationships and enhances intimacy.
- 3 levels of closeness: Close, Closer, Closest
- Created for all couples
- Wild cards to make game more intimate and engaging
- Love and intimacy topics
- Build on the principles of positive language
Select your question cards.
Create a calm, inviting atmosphere. Light some candles, play your favorite background music, have your chosen drinks ready.
Choose which level of closeness you’re comfortable with based on how deep your relationship is right now.
Get closer with deep conversation
Take turns reading and answering the questions. Listen mindfully and engage in discussions.
Try more questions from the same level. Go up a level. Even go down a level.There’s no wrong way to play, as long as you’re getting closer.
Reflect on your discoveries
Once you have finished, take some time together and reflect on the answers. What did you discover about each other and your relationship?